It began with the atrocity of Hiroshima, which continued the lie that it's OK to massacre children, women and men. Then the specific nuclear lies about the reason for this particular bombing , then the lie about ''peaceful nukes'' and on until today's big lie - that ''nuclear is essential to save the climate''.

IF this nuclear lie is allowed to prevail, especially at the Glasgow Climate Change Conference in November, the official climate action movement will have no credibility.

Money, time, effort put into nuclear energy development is money, time and effort taken away from genuine action to combat and to adapt to global heating- energy conservation, and renewable energy technologies.

It is also money put into nuclear weaponry - because so-called ''commercial'' nuclear power is economically unviable, is really just a mask for nuclear weaponry, - - on land, sea, in sky, and space

But - LET'S PRETEND THAT NUCLEAR ENERGY REALLY CAN COMBAT GLOBAL HEATING. But oh, what a pity! - the most recent research predicts that climate change will become irreversible by 2027 - 2042.

That means that we have only, at best, 20 years to switch from coal, and gas to carbon-free electricity.

The world would need 1000s of 'conventional' nuclear reactors to provide even a partially effective solution, and many 1000s of small nuclear reactors. There is no possibility of achieving that with 50 years, let alone 20. Renewables can be set up within months to a few years. (Nuclear development would be a costly and wasteful distraction).

NUCLEAR POWER INCREASES GLOBAL HEATING. The entire nuclear fuel chain, from uranium mining through to wastes burial, is highly carbon emitting.

Meanwile, the nuclear industry, so called ''emissions-free'' emits ionising radiation, harmful to health and environment.

The industry's dangers and role in creasing weapons and the danger of apocalyptic nuclear war, make it totally unsuitable and indeed counter-productive , for inclusion in any climate change action strategy.

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