Good news from Paul Bunyan...

The region's fastest all-fiber optic network, the GigaZone®, is being upgraded and will be able to deliver Internet speeds both upload and download up to 10 Gigabits per second beginning September 1, the cooperative announced today.  As a result, more higher speed service options have been added and the cooperative is also lowering the price of its current 1 Gigabit service.

"When we started installing our all-fiber optic network in 2004 the technology was in its infancy though we realized even then the network would be capable of much more as innovation continued.  We introduced the GigaZone and speeds up to 1 Gigabit per second in 2014 and the technology has progressed so that we can now provide ten times that speed, up to 10 Gigabits per second both downloads and uploads!" said Gary Johnson, Paul Bunyan Communications CEO & General Manager.

The cooperative has introduced new higher speed service options including speeds up to 2 Gbps, 6 Gbps, and 10 Gbps.  In addition, the cooperative has lowered the price of 1 Gbps service.  Specific service and pricing information can be found at

"To put it in perspective, according to the Fiber Broadband Association 7 out of every 10 homes in the United States still doesn't have access to fiber optic gigabit speeds let alone upload and download speeds up to 10 gigabits per second that we'll be offering starting September 1," added Johnson

"The pandemic really highlighted the need for high quality internet access, particularly the need for equally fast upload speeds which only an all-fiber optic network can deliver.  Distance learning, telehealth, business videoconferencing through Zoom and other platforms all need quality upload speeds which the GigaZone delivers.  As you might imagine, there was a dramatic increase in Internet usage throughout the pandemic and our network was easily able to handle it all," said Steve Howard, Paul Bunyan Communications Information Technology and Development Manager