It's time to recognise the positive developments - towards a clean and more just world. And time to turn away from the corporate spin of the polluters and nuclear lobbyists.

The the world is finally realising the urgency of the existential threat of global heating. Meanwhile the polluting corporative partners, fossil fuel and nuclear industries, now redouble their spin to the public,

And, don't let's forget, most of the mainstream media is owned by corporations that also have interests in those polluting industries.

We need to acknowledge the good stuff that's happening. We also need to turn our attention to those independent voices - the ones who seek out and explain both the facts about the dirty industries, and the positive developments leaving those industries behind.

Great work is being done towards energy conservation, and truly clean energy technologies, and environmental protection. On this page, I'm confining the story to the work of the nuclear-free movement .

Starting out with opposition to nuclear weapons, the movement broadened to opposing the nuclear industry as a whole.  Major anti-nuclear groups include Sortir du Nucleaire, Greenpeace International, Campaign for Nuclear DisarmamentFriends of the EarthGreenpeace Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear WarPeace Action and the Nuclear Information and Resource Service. International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Ploughshares Fund

There are many others across the world, including in Russia and China.

You might think that the nuclear-free movement has failed, especially given the proliferation of nuclear weapons. But the organised protests and work of the movement has had, and continues to have, some success. Most countries do not have nuclear power. Several advanced countries remain opposed to nuclear power - Australia, Austria, Denmark, Greece, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Norway . Over the decades, activist movements have led to the stopping of atmospheric nuclear bomb tests, and the prevention of nunerous nuclear power projects.

Importantly, nuclear energy has been excluded from the Green Zone at the COP26 Climate Summit.

Also importantly , the USA Nuclear Regulatory Commision reaffirms the standard that low dose ionising radiation is bad for your health, and rejects the nuclear industry's petition to weaken that standad.

The work continues, with the most important recent development - the UN Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons . Nuclear weapons and nuclear power are in lockstep - a fact quite openly acknowledged now, even boasted about, by the industry.

The nuclear-free movement works alongside the clean energy movement. On the world stage, the challenge is to keep real climate action in the COP26 climate conference in November, without nuclear. Locally, the clean fight is fought by communities around the world, especially indigenous people, who are always the victims of nuclear bomb tests and waste dumping.

Most mainstream writers, and some academics, are caught up in the pro nuclear spin.

Look for the fine writers who really seek the truth, A few examples - M.V. Ramana, Helen Caldicott, Jim Green, Mary OLson, Gordon Edwards Alice Slater Arnie Gundersen, Libbe Halevy, Diesendorf, Mark  Lovins, Amory B. Eric_Schlosser and for song - Caitlin Johnstone.........

You will note that women are prominent in the truth-seeking writers. They have been dramatically absent from the push for nuclear weapons, (though a few women are now ostentatiously promoted by the desperate nuclear industry)

This little website has a very small readership. But we are still here, and trust our readers to spread the information. And we will keep on promoting the work of the honest seekers after truth, through this site, and via my weekly email newsletter.

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