This week on the Garage+ project saw the installation of the concrete footer and the walls - as well as inspection of the foundation. The RJH Concrete crews, under Andy Cormier Homebuilding, did a great job and worked fast on a few warmer July days. The photos below tell the tale.

The concrete crew arrived early on Monday, July 26th.
They got to work quickly to place forms for the footer.
Footer placed - an earthen excavation wall collapsed on the right but that was no problem. Note how sandy our soil is!
Footer view from the second floor of our house.
By Monday afternoon, the crew stripped the footer forms.
On Tuesday, July 27th, the wall forms were delivered and assembled on the footer.
Crew assembling the forms.
By Tuesday mid-day, two concrete trucks arrived and the placement of the concrete began.
One of the two delivery trucks - because of our underground leach fields, the trucks had to deliver with every extension possible to get to the back walls.
Extensions in action.
Some of the concrete finished work on Tuesday.
It was a hot day, but the crew worked hard and fast.
Finishing work proceeds on the concrete walls.
On Wednesday, July 28th, the forms on the walls were stripped to reveal this!
Same view as above but a different angle.
On Friday, the foundation was inspected and passed!

This upcoming week promises to be full of activity as well. Stay tuned!