How has the loneliness become somehow ingrained into our way of life? The solitary cowboy on the range... the laugh-track that keep us watching our favorite shows with an audience... and now a pandemic that kept us in four walls for an entire year.

Radtke's book is far-reaching and gives the reader a great range of topics to meditate on. Yet, I did find the connection between each topic to be a reach at times. And even the connection between the topics and loneliness was tenuous...

As for the artwork, I appreciated that some drawings were independent of the text. It got away from that feeling of picture/ caption that many nonfiction graphic novels get into.

Overall, this is a mixed review... I liked several parts of the book, but didn't feel the overall themes connect with any sort of conclusion. Are there any answers?

3 out of 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley, Pantheon Books, and the author for an advanced copy for review.