Short answer is, of course it is. But before I elaborate on this blog post, I need to tell a story based on my own experiences.
I finished reading Michelle Obama's book, Becoming. She studied at Princeton College, Harvard Law School (FYI, they are two Ivy League schools) and was a partner at law firm Sidley & Austin before becoming the First Lady of the United States. Surprisingly, Michelle's experiences are very similar to mine growing up. An aspect that she mentioned growing up is the fact that she had a teacher who basically told her she shouldn't apply to Princeton because she believed Michelle wasn't "Princeton material".
It made me think back to my own experiences. Why does this sound familiar to what I have heard when I was younger?
"Don't bother trying to pursue law. It's too competitive."
"Not many law students actually become lawyers"
"Gosh, do you really have it in you?"
"They work crazy hours, you'll have no life"
I'll be honest, I was almost scared to pursue a profession that is this fierce in competition. I genuinely believed I wasn't good enough. What has changed then?
Well, for starters, I surrounded myself with more ambitious and like-minded people in university. I took up a Law and Business Management degree because though I found law interesting, I wasn't too sure if I want to commit to a career path like law. So the business side to the degree will give me more options in the future. Towards the end of my second year and beginning of my third year, I ended up loving law. I can't see myself doing anything else. This time, no one can talk me out of pursuing law. This is because I've become more confident in my own capabilities and I've surrounded myself with people who believe I can become a lawyer one day.
I think every young person has been through imposter syndrome before, especially if you're an aspiring solicitor. This profession is highly saturated and incredibly fierce in competition. There must be many times when you thought you don't have it in you. When you want to give up. When you feel like your efforts aren't actually going anywhere. This is the moment that defines you. Are you someone that gives up? Or do you push yourself out of that slope, learn from your mistakes and keep fighting until you get your TC?
For me, I'm the latter. Yes, the idea of becoming a solicitor feels impossible at times. But, I've worked way too hard to understand the industry, network and get my grades. Why throw that all out of the window by giving up?
Yes, law is competitive. Only 18.5% of applicants actually receive a training contract. When you're applying for training contracts, you're up against thousands of applicants. But there are over 10,000 law firms in the UK - trust me when I say this, you will get into at least one. It might not happen right away, it might happen next year or in a few years time. But my point is, you will become a lawyer! And you will fulfil your dream one day.
Yes, law is very competitive. Getting a training contract is difficult. BUT it is not impossible! It's definitely not for the weak! But if you're determined, show enthusiasm and don't give up on your dreams, you will get there one day!
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