The ''juggernaut'' is an imaginary evil chariot, a giant, powerful, violent unstoppable force, crushing all in its path, (wrongly connected to a Hindu belief).

Of all the threats to our home planet, the only one to sustain life, only the nuclear threat could be stopped by human action. But human action is now dominated by the nuclear and weapons industry juggernaut- that ''military-industrial -complex'' that controls big macho-men governments.

The mask of ''peaceful'' nuclear power is off. If nuclear was ever useful for energy and climate - it is no longer.

So - what do the nuclear lobby wizards come up with?

Small nuclear reactors and the pretense that they could have any effect on climate. No, Virginia, their one and only use is to keep the nuclear industry alive. Thus the nuclear weapons industry can more easily pass their costs on to tax-payers, convince nuclear executives and workers that they're doing something beneficial, and the rest of us - that governments are ''looking after us;''.

But governments are looking after the military-industrial complex, as it leads on to nuclear war, - on land, under the sea, and in space. And the small nuclear reactors are leading the war-mongering nuclear juggernaut

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