Finally, January is over. It's my least favourite month of the year with it's short days and dreary weather (although that describes much of the English year if I'm being honest about it!) and I'm not at all sorry to see the back of it. Now there's a nice short month, and then something that might – hopefully – show some vague resemblance to spring.

I'm not sure how or why, but my reading mojo is back and supercharged! I felt as though I was on a bit of a downer at the end of last year – I was reading less (significantly so at times) and felt fatigued by the mere thought of blogging. Roll on 2022, and I'm fully back into the swing of things! Long may it continue.

Books Read and Reviewed

Favourite Reads This Month

I also posted my annual wrap up post, looking back at 2021 from a books and blogging perspective (and with a funky infographic!), and shared some of the books that I'm particularly looking forward to reading this year.


I received 1 book for review this month:

And purchased 7:

TBR Watch

Not a bad start to the year in terms of my TBR! 😏

  • Books out = 11 read + 1 DNF* = 12
  • Books in = 1 ARC + 7 purchases = 8
  • Equals a reduction of 4 in my TBR

*I may come back to some of the DNFs at a later date, but for now they have been removed from my TBR.