findinghopeness posted: " Donald Trump (DT), the well-known pathological liar and former President of the U.S.A. who tried but failed to overthrow its democracy has blamed President Joe Biden for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's ongoing military invasion of Ukraine. But the "
Donald Trump (DT), the well-known pathological liar and former President of the U.S.A. who tried but failed to overthrow its democracy has blamed President Joe Biden for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's ongoing military invasion of Ukraine. But the well-documented record of the last six years shows DT has done more to weaken the U.S. than anyone in its history, while constantly acting as Putin's 'useful fool' puppet, with the help of so-called 'conservatives' in the U.S.
I say 'so-called' because since when is enabling and supporting social-political disruption and hateful division in one's own country conservative. In fact, it is knowing or unknowing traitorous behavior that has enabled Putin's plan to restore the Russian/Soviet empire and emboldened him to attack Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the self-centered DT stands on a public stage before a rapturous audience of several thousand useful-fool, so-called conservatives, and millions of gullible members of his cult, and calls Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, a world-class 'tyrant.' And for what? For being patient for weeks? For repeatedly asking protestors occupying the nation's capital to go home, before defending our country against the imported cult of disruption and chaos trying to destroy democracy in the name of 'Freedom?'
It boggles the mind that this is what the world has come to: the continuing human tragedy of millions of people being taken in by the lies and hypocrisy of two madmen drunk on power. And as a result, the existential future of the world is at stake; especially now that Putin has raised Russia's immense nuclear power to a state of imminent readiness.
It is utter madness in a world in which most people simply want their children and grandchildren to have the hope of a peaceful and secure future in which to live.
One morning in the spring of 2016, I was out in my garden hilling rows of recently emerged potato plants. The sun was shining, a few clouds were drifting by in the sky above. I was full of thoughts about why DT, still not formally chosen the Republican Party candidate for the U.S. presidential election that year, would suggest the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NAT0) was obsolete. And, besides, he said, most NATO members didn't pay their fair share of NATO funding, and as a result the U.S. was paying too much.
I asked myself, why would he say that now, just two years after Putin's Russia had invaded and annex the Crimea, then part of Ukraine, and with Russia conducting a clandestine war in eastern Ukraine in support of separatist rebels. The former Soviet republics that had joined NATO after the fall of the Soviet Union were understandably alarmed by those signs of renewed Russian aggression. Wasn't the U.S. supposed to be there allies?
As a political move aimed at gaining support from members of the Republican Party, what DT had said also didn't make sense. The party also known as the GOP, had long been a staunch opponent of the former Soviet Union, and prior to the 2016, of Putin's Russia. So, what was he thinking?
I put down my hoe, looked up at the sky and suddenly saw the light. "He's got a deal with the Russians," I said, out loud to myself. Call it a hunch: at the time that's maybe what it was, based on what I knew.
I comforted myself by thinking that, if it was true, it would surely come more to light, one way or another, and the 'smoking gun' would be found.
Granddaughter Mirabella helping Grandpa hill potatoes, spring 2016.
Nothing that happened leading up to the 2016 election and after has done anything to change my mind about my thoughts then. On the contrary, I believe now more than ever that DT has a 'deal with the Russians,' and maybe still has. Certain things that happened over the past almost six years continue to stand out amid BT's generally fawning attitude toward, and praise of Putin: his Helsinki summit with Putin, for example, whereby DT dismissed the conclusions of the U.S. official Intelligence community that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election. After a secretive close-door session with Putin, the then-President of the United States said Putin had 'strongly' denied anything of the sort had happened. Commentators in the U.S., many of them former high-ranking government officials and military officers, were astounded, "I never thought I'd see the day" when a President of the United States would ever say such a thing, said one.
Throughout his one-term tenure, DT continued to say time after time, and still now, that the whole "Russia thing" was a "hoax." It was not.
The investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller only happened because former U.S. Attorney-General, the late Jeff Sessions, recused himself from the probe into the possibility of Russian interference in the 2016 election, and possible collusion of DT's 2016 election campaign. Rod Rosenstein, Session's deputy A-G at the time then appointed Mueller to head up the investigation in May 2017.
The final Mueller Report found plenty of evidence of interference by Russian government agents and operatives, and contacts with the DT campaign. A Grand Jury for the District of Columbia (D.C.) charged a dozen Russians with criminal offences, including Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States. They have never been arrested and are likely hiding in plain sight in Russia.
Mueller himself said the reason DT was not charged with Obstruction of Justice was because of a Department of Justice policy against charging a sitting president with a criminal offence.
Bill Barr, who was Attorney-General when the Mueller report was about to be made public, took pre-emptive action by writing and releasing a summary that appeared to exonerate DT, who quickly seized on the moment to claim again that it was all a "hoax." Partly as a result, 75 million Americans voted for DT in the 2020 presidential election. He still lost by seven million in the popular vote, and also by a wide margin in the electoral college, as confirmed by Congress on January 6, 2021. That was despite a riot by a large Trump supporters who breached the capital in hopes of disrupting the process. To this day DT still claims the election was "stolen" from him.
To his credit, Attorney-General Barr, after ordering a DOJ investigation, said no serious evidence of election fraud was found. And then he resigned after DT's angry reaction to that.
The Guardian published an interesting article last summer that I recently re-read. The Guardian is widely respected as one of the best news venues in the world. The carefully worded article cites "what are assessed to be leaked Kremlin documents" that indicate Putin personally approved a secret Russian plan to support what the leaked papers describe as a "mentally unstable" Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election
The leaked document speaks of it being "acutely necessary" to take strong measures to "facilitate" Trump's election as U.S. president. That would help bring about Russia's favoured "theoretical political scenario" because a Trump win "will definitely lead to the destabilisation of the US's sociopolitical system, and see hidden discontent burst into the open."
Some of the measures Russia might take to infect "American public life" via "media viruses" would become self-sustaining as they mess with the "mass consciousness" certain groups of Americans, the Kremlin paper says, as quoted by the Guardian.
There are paragraphs on how Russia might insert "media viruses" into American public life, which could become self-sustaining and self-replicating. These would alter mass consciousness, especially in certain groups, it says.
Spokespersons for both Putin and Trump strongly denied at the time there was any truth to what the Guardian article alleges.
It is worth mentioning here though, that if there was indeed such a plan, that it certainly has succeeded, perhaps beyond Putin's wildest dreams.
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