The revolutionary fervour among the more wild-eyed sections of the right has been heightened by an anti-covid-measures truck convoy in Canada.

As already discussed in the comments, my bellwethers for what's hot and what's not on the US right have got very excited by the length of the truck protests. Larry Correia declared the convoy was "hundreds of miles long" (it was about 70 km) and more generally believe the world is at a major turning point against "wokeness".

"Even though the world seems to be falling apart, I'm actually really optimistic about the future. I think we've hit Peak Woke. I believe we are seeing a critical mass of people finally getting fed up with the lies, bullshit and fuckery. For the longest time too many regular folks have kept quiet because of social pressure, but once the dam bursts, and a sufficient mass of people realize they're not alone, it's over."

Not to be outdone, Sarah Hoyt is very excited about the lorries as well.

"This weekend, I found that the truckers who have had enough of Little Castro's Justin Trudeau's insanity, enough to drive to the capital in convoy and who appear to be supported by a majority of Canadians are "really" Russian agents dressed like truckers."

Well, the internet is a big place, so maybe somewhere, somebody is saying all the Canadian protestors are Russian agents but it's not one I've heard. Either way, it is sufficient for Hoyt to see parallels between the Canadian truck convoy and...Sad Puppies! Yes, it is once again time for a new potted version of the Sad Puppy story.

"The 100 mile overview is that a number of us got very tired of the things that sf/f awards went to. Look, I'm semi-literary in reading tastes half the time, and I don't even mind a lot of the more involuted stuff, but a few years ago, it went silly. No, really silly. To me, the foam at the mouth moment was "If you were a dinosaur my love" which did not take place in this world (at all. Our working class doesn't drink gin) and was written at a level of cringe that would make 13 year old me hide if I had written it. Anyway, so Larry Correia said the award stuff made puppies cry (you know it wasn't me, because it would be kittens) and we decided to do lists of stuff for people to read and consider voting on. And you know other people — including Locus — had been doing this for years, but suddenly what we'd done was create a slate, and we were evil racists and fascists, and we were against women (!) gays (!!) and people of color(!!!!) writing science fiction. In fact, we were denying them awards so they'd give up in discouragement. We were "Gatekeepers" and did I mention white supremacists. It all went very bad, and 2015 left a bunch of us with significant scars that still affect us. The attacks on us were as nonsensical as they were epic. People who'd never given a d*mn about science fiction or science fiction awards were suddenly running exposes and naming me as part of this evil cabal. My kids, in online gaming, had to defend me from total strangers."

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