Note--this post will probably make me few friends and make me sound heartless and lack any empathy.....

We all have seen or read stories and photos of the women and children fleeing ahead of the Russian onslaught to neighboring countries those heart wrenching....all the destroyed buildings and lives....the long lines waiting for a ride to the nearest border.....all the crying and hugs.....and all the calls for the West to do more.

There reports state....

The number of Ukrainians fleeing abroad is now 3,556,924, the United Nations' Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said on Tuesday, with more than 2 million crossing the border into Poland.

"This is another tragic milestone for the people of Ukraine and it has been achieved in just under one month," UNHCR spokesperson Matthew Saltmarsh told a briefing, adding that 6.5 million people had been internally displaced within Ukraine.

Biden and his Boyz are preparing a plan to help Ukrainian refugees....

Biden was considering using his presidential authority to grant humanitarian parole to refugees or designating them under a program that was used to evacuate refugees out of war zones in Afghanistan.

The options would not guarantee permanent legal status, but the White House believes most Ukrainians would want to eventually return to their homes after finding safe havens in Europe.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas declared last week that refugees seeking asylum in the US will not be turned away, after reports of several being denied access to the country at the Mexican border.

Under the White House proposals, refugees would be flown in to the country and given support services, avoiding the dangerous and uncertain ordeal asylum-seekers face at the physical US border, the network said.


Of course the US has done what it does best...throw money at a problem...sadly it is seldom the solution that is needed.

Ukraine can expect about $900 million in humanitarian aid to flow its way....

I think everything that can possibly be done to help the refugees should be done....I need to ask....why was the refugees from the war in Syria not this big of an issue for the media?

The Syrian refugee crisis remains the world's largest refugee and displacement crisis of our time. Since the Syrian civil war officially began March 15, 2011, families have suffered under brutal conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, torn the nation apart, and set back the standard of living by decades.

About 6.8 million Syrians are refugees and asylum-seekers, and another 6.7 million people are displaced within Syria. This means 13.5 million Syrians in total are forcibly displaced, more than half of the country's population. Nearly 11.1 million people in Syria need humanitarian assistance. And about half of the people affected by the Syrian refugee crisis are children.

The refugee problem in Syria is about 3 times as bad as Ukraine and yet it got little notice here in the West....there was not nearly the coverage that those from Ukraine....why is this?

What is it that makes one refugee crisis more important than another?

Is it race?  Religion?  Region?

What is it that makes the difference?

Questions with the sound of crickets as the answer.

Another thing that pisses me off....the Congress stands applauds and vote almost overwhelmingly to send cash to Ukraine....but yet that same Congress cannot have that much agreement when it comes to cash for the hungry here or the benefits for 9/11 responders or the benefits that our veterans desire.....why is that?

It is evident that the Congress no longer works for the American people.....and it has not for many years.

What makes people half a world away more important than the starving senior down the street?

Again the sound of crickets.

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