Tuesday 31 May 2022

GB Daily Roundup: Back to it | May 31, 2022

GB Daily Roundup
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I enjoyed the holiday weekend, but now it's time to get back to work. Things are going to get busy soon with the Summer Game Mess rolling onto the scene. This may be one of the last quieter days we have for awhile.
–Mike Minotti, GamesBeat reviews editor

Sky Mavis unveils first user-generated games for Axie Infinity | VentureBeat
Xbox Game Pass adds Assassin's Creed Origins and more for June 2022 | VentureBeat
Take the First Step into Accelerating Your Digital Commerce with NFTs


Razer invests in green toilet paper Bambooloo | VentureBeat
Bright Gambit announces its first five indie games | VentureBeat
Take the First Step into Accelerating Your Digital Commerce with NFTs
Infinite Drive will be a blockchain-based mobile racing game metaverse | VentureBeat
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