Thursday 30 June 2022

VB Daily | June 30 - Google bolsters password manager features for better cyber-hygiene 🌐 🪥

Daily Roundup
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The Lead 🗞️
[1] Google announces update to Password Manager
[2] Snowplow offers a platform help enterprises 'create' data for AI and analytics
[3] How John Deere grew data seeds into an AI powerhouse
The Follow 📰
[1] Today, Google released a blog post announcing some key changes to Password Manager. The new changes will enable users with multiple passwords for the same sites or apps, to group them on Chrome and Android devices automatically. 
At the same time, when entering passwords into online accounts, a feature called Password Checkup will warn users about compromised credentials and weak or reused passwords and give them an option to change them. This means that users will have the opportunity to automatically secure weak passwords that put them at risk of being hacked.
In addition, the changes will enable users to create strong, unique passwords across platforms. Users on Android will also be able to create a shortcut to Password Manager on their home screen so they can access their passwords with a single tap. >> Read more.
[2] Most organizations working on artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics projects tend to use data from existing systems like Google Analytics and CRMs. These sources offer plenty of information to work with, but they are also disparate in nature, which means the data they provide comes with varying structures (imagine different field types) and different levels of granularity, quality and completeness. 
This makes it difficult for the organization to use the data as-is. It also adds to the technically challenging and time-consuming element of data wrangling – where teams have to work to clean, organize and transform the data into a standardized format for use. Plus, it also creates compliance issues, since it's difficult to track data lineage from a collection of black-box SaaS applications.
To solve the problem, London-based Snowplow Analytics is offering enterprises a platform to generate structured behavioral data assets (describing the behavior of customers, the actions and decisions they make, and the context of those actions and decisions) that are customized to suit specific AI and BI applications and remain fully compliant at the same time. >> Read more.
[3] This year, John Deere debuted a fully autonomous tractor, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), that's ready for large-scale production. 
According to a press release, the tractor has six pairs of stereo cameras that capture images, and pass them through a deep neural network. It then classifies each pixel in approximately 100 milliseconds and determines if the machine continues to move or stops, depending on if an obstacle is detected.
John Deere's efforts in developing AI  solutions are part of a larger trend across the agricultural landscape. Spending on agricultural AI technology and solutions is predicted to grow from $1 billion in 2020 to $4 billion in 2026, according to Markets & Markets. >> Read more.
Watch the Supermicro Computex CEO Keynote — Charles Liang and the Building Blocks of IT Growth
The Buzz 🐝
Lee Vinsel
I enjoyed this WSJ piece, "Tech Giants Pour Billions Into AI, but Hype Doesn't Always Match Reality"

This excerpt is the heart of it for me. So much energy put into the ethical, legal, and social implications of "AI," when the main point is it's failing.
Jeremy Howard
Interesting (to me at least) insight I just realised: input normalization hardly matters now in transfer learning for computer vision.

I discovered this because I forgot to add normalization when using timm models in fastai. I just fixed that, and my results didn't improve!
On This Day 📆
On this day in tech history, June 30, 1945, the first report on the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) was published by Jon von Neumann. The Computer History Museum notes that this was "generally accepted that the first documented discussion … of the advantages of using just one large internal memory, in which instructions, as well as data, could be held."
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