But first...
Dulltown, UK: Today's carefully selected adjectives are: mucky, dasyphyllous, synodal, laevorotatory, quaquaversal, meliphagous, and soppy.
No, no, it's not really a 'good' photograph, and I don't really know why I bothered taking it.
There's a narrow alleyway, a pathway, through, from a crossing on the busy main road, heading into, and out of, town, that I regularly walk along when I go shopping. There is a footpath and a cycle track running along the length of it, but of course, the cyclists persistently ride on the wrong one. The way is often littered with debris from the many passers-by.
Yes, two shopping trolleys were there. What do they call these things in America? Oh, yes, shopping carts, or apparently, sometimes, in the Southern states, 'buggies'. Yes, two of them, they were there for several days.
It is not a very interesting photographic composition, though, I suppose.

Hm... One upright, and one pushed over on its nose.
They are of two different designs, one is longer than the other, and they have quite different structures and finishes.
Some awful people, do tend to steal trolleys from shops, just to take their shopping home, and then discard them, anywhere, that is convenient.
Hm, awful people.
Er... Excuse me, but have you noticed, dear reader, that these two things seem to be chained together?
A stout, heavy looking, chain going round their touching handles.
I can't see a padlock in the picture, but I suspect that there is one.
If there wasn't a padlock holding the things together, I reckon someone, some ne'er-do-well, might have grabbed that chain and run off with it.
Now, isn't all this, most odd?
No, no, dear reader, don't expect any explanation for this - I couldn't think of one.
Maybe the two trolleys have been fighting? You know, just like humans would - another similar being, but of a different shape, colour, or style - let's have a fight, see who's best! One trolley has taken control, and has locked the other one up!
And who would pinch a couple of trolleys from a supermarket, and then get a chain and lock, and chain them together?
I expect if you really wanted to move these things, you could carefully, chain allowing, rotate the tumbled-over one, and then carefully wheel them both away, together?
Ah?... I wonder if this could have been an art work?
Hm, I've seen a lot worse, and more pointless things than this, in art galleries.
After a few days they disappeared.
I wonder who came, and took them away?
I don't think that I'll put this picture onto my Flickr photo site - no, no - far too boring...
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