But first...
Dulltown, UK: Today's unusual china teapot is the one shaped like the head of a crooked politician.
A remarkably poor pourer.
Yes, it's that lino print idea that I showed you, dear reader, a few days ago - I recall, that the scruffy sketch was resting on a mystery object. Do click here to see it again.
Here is the final print! Look!...
Oil-based ink on Japanese (Imitation Japanese No. 3) paper, about A4 in size.
Dear reader, would you like me to waffle on about it for a while?
Or would you just like to peer at it, without any added meaningless, self appraising, banter?
See, it doesn't look very much like the original trial drawing, does it?
I do call myself a surrealist, you know. Shall I try to explain what I think is going on?
On the ground there are triangles. On the sky there are discs.
That's got that sorted out!
When the triangles or discs are distant, they are small, and when they are close, they are bigger. So, does it give the effect of, some sort of, landscape? I do hope so.
'What's that hovering diamond, square, shape, that has small receding squares inside it, doing'?
Sorry?... What are you talking about?
'The thing, there, hanging in the sky'!
I don't understand. It is all, just triangles, and discs, to represent, perhaps, a landscape.
'No, it isn't! What about that hovering, jutting big fat thing, on the left'?
I have no idea what it is that you are referring to. Big fat jutting thing?
'Oh, you oaf!...'
Me?... Oaf?...
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