Hello people! I hope everyone is safe and happy, and I hope you are reading some great books! At the moment I am loving the book I am reading, and all I want to do is curl up on my couch and just read, but life has other ideas... she is really a hard mistress! Anyway, today I am here to try and take stock of the series I am following. The Great Series Read Project is an idea of Realms of My Mind, and since I have started with it, even with my personal spin on it, it really helped me be more constant with the bane and bliss of my existence (AKA series!!).
Sooner or later I should also find the time to update the page on the blog dedicated to the series I am following, but for now, I am trying to see what I should prioritize! It may be a sort of plan of attack, and I really hope to stick to it through the year!

Disclaimer: It is more a post for myself, to remind me of all the great series I am following (and even if this is really an ambitious post, there aren't listed all the series I have started, sigh!) and to hope that the visual reminder would help me stay more on track. It is all good and wonderful to go and start new series, but maybe... I could also continue the one I have started!!!!!

Series I am in pair with!
(Well, I am cheating a bit here, because I am not being too exact. Maybe there is another volume published after I read the least published ones and I am not aware of it, but since it is just one more book, and not many, it can stay in there!)

When Sorrows Come is an example of me cheating. I discovered last week that this book came out, and I'll read it as soon as I can!

The Third book in Edwards' series is coming out pretty soon (and I am sooooooo excited!!) but since it is not out yet, here it is!

Pretty much every Ilona Andrews series can go in there. I want more of them, all of them!!!!

Series I really Really Want To Continue!

So yeah, you can see that they really are a lot! And I have not mentioned in there the series that I really hope to finish this year, because I have talked about them in this post. So... I am drowning here!!! But I am feeling quite hopeful that this year I would be a good bookworm and I'll manage to rein in at least some of them!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed, and if you have some fingers to spare, please cross them for me!

And what about you? Are you drowning in series as much as me? Or are you way better? And have you read some of series I mentioned in there?? Let me know!!!

Happy reading!

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